vrijdag 1 juli 2011

Love DIY but too clumsy.

I'm a huge Belmodo.tv fan. I love Tiany and her reports on everything that goes on in her fashionable life.
She does the best DIY, and I'm a big fan. I've been saying that I will start taking up sewing lessons, but it just never seems to happen... What else is new, right :) Anyway, I spotted this DIY on Tiany's Belmodo.tv and I just loved it! She makes this great Fendi frill to attach to your lumberjack shirt. Very high fashion! And, of course I would love to make one of these, but let's face it: some things are just not for Fonske...
So, I just entered the give-away at belmodo.tv and lets pray my luck will change and I'll win something for once :) 

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